Medical Aid Search ( is an independent website, which offers information and advice about Medical Aid, Gap Cover, CoPay Cover and Health Insurance in South Africa.
Best Medical Aid Plan
This website serves as a means to find the best possible medical aid plan that falls within your budget and health care needs. By supplying you with enough relevant information about the different medical aid schemes in South Africa we can help you to make the right choice to move to another, or apply to a medical aid scheme.
Health Insurance
Medical aid can be very expensive and for most, the monthly payments can break the bank. Health insurance has been created to provide basic healthcare at a fraction of the cost of a conventional medical aid plan. We have partnered with reliable health insurance companies to provide affordable health insurance to you and your family.
Gap Cover & CoPay Cover
Medical procedures in South Africa can be expensive and some medical aid plans, especially the cheaper ones, don’t cover the full cost of medical procedures. This is where gap cover comes into play to ensure that you are not left with large bill after your operation. Medical aid plans might pay 80% or 100% of a procedures, but doctors and hospital may charge up to 500%. Gap & copay cover the difference what the doctor or hospital charge and what your medical aid scheme is willing to pay. This option is only available to current medical aid members and NOT health insurance policy holders.
Have Questions?
Should you have any questions regarding medical aid, gap cover, copay cover or health insurance, please visit our FAQ page or if you have questions or recommendations regarding, visit our Contact Us page.